I've been back in Bolivia for about two months. The first month I spent in the Amazon regions of Beni and Pando. It's really a whole other world from where I live in Sucre. I honestly loved it. From La Paz I flew with friends to Rurrenebaque. As we took off from El Alto airport we passed by the Cordillera Real part of the Andes. We were so close I thought we would crash if a strong wind came. Almost instantly the mountains dropped out and everything was green. The rivers snaked there way across the jungle floor making their way to the mighty Amazon. The difference in altitude and humidity was super notable as soon as we arrived. Being a Florida girl I felt right at home. Even the bugs made it feel more homey. haha
After spending nearly a week lost in tourist-ville I took a 16 hour to Riberalta. For some reason while looking at the map and reading up I thought I would really like Riberalta. The people I met were great, but the town it self was a giant red dust ball.
From Riberalta it was another 10 hour bus ride to Cobija, my final destination. The bus ride was memorable for the two river crossings. The bus approaches the river where everyone gets off before it can load onto a barge of sorts before everyone gets on after it. The first crossing was rather short. The second we took quite the ride down river before meeting up with another river.
Cobija is a nice city of about 50,000 people. I loved that it's border with Brazil. It was my first time being around Brazilians. I went to Brazil for the day, it was so much fun.
I enjoyed each leg of my journey but hope to go back and visit Cobija.
Other than that life has been normal. Just trying to settle back in and work on my two year visa requirements.

Well there was the day we ate minnows in the market, but I won't get into that.

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